
All I could think about was how uncomfortable that heel looks. It doesn't even look right.

This show has a hilarious track record of men playing women.

It's MEEGAN!!!

Yes, it is! Thank you! It was driving me nuts. Very good looking indeed, but it explains why I instantly took a dislike to him on Mindy.

Oh geeze- I think I got caught up in his good looks but now that it's been pointed out I can't unsee it. I wouldn't say a bully per se because he was initially there to protect his daughter. It's like that playground teasing that little kids use when they can't understand/express their feelings for someone. Definitely

I know!!! It's crazy! I think more than a few of us- just based on Gwen's review and the comments- have caught the Tim Daly bug.

Urinetown indeed. Those stinky trees are blooming right now and the streets smell extra gross.
I also agree with you on the Tim Daly front. I don't know why- he just completely won me over with that last line.

"When I need to to take the pill, I look upon the window sill"

I think you said it perfectly. Marnie really does believe that if they do this weekend right, their friendship will be healed. And she REALLY wants that. Marnie is just so so stuck in a rut, that it's difficult to watch her struggle for insisting on doing things as planned. When have her plans ever worked out? And it

Yes, I wasn't clear, but of course Marnie's feelings were hurt. That's why she lashed out the way she did right after the dance. I wouldn't say it was a huge asshole move on Hannah's part, definitely inconsiderate. And I think it's fair to say that Marnie for all her protestations and tears, could barely stand one

I do have to say all these comments pose valid reasons for Marnie to be that upset. And yeah, Hannah could have been more sympathetic to Marnie's needs. But imagine how much fun they all could have had if Marnie had just let go of her expectations and gone with the flow. She definitely made it harder on herself than

It wasn't just pretty; it was hilarious. I feel like it was Marnie reenacting the opening credits of Downton Abbey in her head.

I don't think that's the point, and it wouldn't add insult to injury anyways because there's nothing wrong with being gay. Although I think there is room for interpreting Elijah's statement as Charlie being gay, I think what Elijah's story highlights is that Charlie was repressing issues all along (in much the same

That post script was definitely too cloy. I guess they're trying to build some hype up to tide viewers over until April.

Is Whiplash a full-length adaptation of the short film by the same name that also stars J.K. Simmons as a hard-ass jazz band director? Seems too coincidental to not be the case. Either way, I hope to see this when it comes out for the masses. I was really impressed by Miles Teller when I saw him in The Spectacular

This is the first episode of Kroll Show I've ever seen. Even without any knowledge of the recurring characters/skits I still loved it. I wish I had been watching it all along! I guess that just means I get to binge watch the first season.

As unappealing  as Lena Dunham's body is because it doesn't fit even my ideal of beauty, I actually love the way she puts her body on display all the time. I think up to a point it's gratuitous nudity but it shouldn't bother us anymore than the ridiculous and sometimes unnecessary amounts of nudity displayed on

My problem with the break up is that it got a little too unoriginal when the show was trying to tell us that Sam and Jess aren't right for each other just because they can't coordinate well enough to pass a hoola hoop through a human chain. Really? I can see how Sam would have been really hurt by the kiss, but the way

I'm pretty sure he's actually British.

My boy Winston finally got the proper writing and characterization he deserves!