
It is best known as the Ottawa Shitizen… But as bad as it is, it is still far far better than the atrocious Ottawa Sun (the true New York Post of the National Capital Region).

Yes - the twins! Erica and Heather. She got knocked up by some dude she met at camp. There were a few episodes that dealt with the aftermath - Spike's friend with the short hair (who had almost been aborted or something) somehow found out what happened and starting vandalising Erica's locker and putting up posters

I'm waiting for a weekly version of Shivers to come to HBO (or, more likely, the 2am slot on Showcase)…

I was really hoping that this was a prequel to Midnight Cowboy.

I was going to credit the source, but I figured there would be enough people on this site who would recognise it…. Whenever I hear about Ryan O'Neal, I think of that bit, but wonder how they go about filling those 2 minutes…

(MOVIEPHONE VOICE) Starting today until Sunday, the Park Olympia Theatre located at the corner of Grove Street and MacArthur Boulevard is proud to present the Ryan O'Neal story. This critically acclaimed retrospective highlights the most memorable scenes from the work of one of the American cinema's

i always thought Going Underground by the Jam would be a nice choice, although i'm sure i'm far from the first person to choose it…

I didn't get where I am today without already owning some Reggie Perrin on Region 2. Still it'll be nice to see it getting wider exposure over here.

from here to eternity had the horse head…
From Here To Eternity was the movie that the Godfather was alluding to, horse-head-in-a-bed-wise. It was immediately post-war, his career was at a low-point, and the character was 'just like me, I won't even have to act'.

thophoud is correct - adventureland was a big pile of wank. at least 1/3 of the film was montages of michael-cera's-mexican-non-union-equivalant looking emo-ishly out a window. another 1/3 was the heavy sound of sighs that LIFE IS NOT FAIR. the remaining 1/3 could have been the core of a nice little film.

the herzog/kinski nosferatu was great. once some friends of mine had a nosferatuathon - the original, the herzog remake, and that movie about the making of nosferatu (the name of which escapes me - dafoe was in it). appropriately enough, finished the last movie around dawn…

What's the most important Beatles album to teach to high school kids? Tough one. I think I'd have to say 'The Best of the Beatles'

Does anyone remember "The Saturday Shocker" (what a great name), which used to be on Saturday afternoons on WKBD in Detroit (before it became a Fox affilliate)? We got the channel up in Northern Ontario, but I seem to be the only person I know that remembers it. The opening credits were a great compilation of gorey

i'm writing this comment FROM INSIDE THE GOVERNMENT. But it's the Canadian one, so it doesn't really count. And unless something terribly exciting happens in West Africa today before 5:30, I'll just keep 'researching' on the internet.

i'm writing this comment FROM INSIDE THE GOVERNMENT. But it's the Canadian one, so it doesn't really count. And unless something terribly exciting happens in West Africa today before 5:30, I'll just keep 'researching' on the internet.

i'm writing this comment FROM INSIDE THE GOVERNMENT. But it's the Canadian one, so it doesn't really count. And unless something terribly exciting happens in West Africa today before 5:30, I'll just keep 'researching' on the internet.