Osred the Omnitemporal Movie C

What? I thought this was a remake of Powder. Where's my big budget reboot of Powder, Hollywood?

Mostly Brooks acts neurotic and cluelessly overbearing while Rogen says funny things in an exceedingly dry tone of voice. But I still need to get it over the ninety minute mark, so: maybe?

Mostly Brooks acts neurotic and cluelessly overbearing while Rogen says funny things in an exceedingly dry tone of voice. But I still need to get it over the ninety minute mark, so: maybe?

The worst part is that now I'll sell never my boffo high-concept screenplay, Albert Brooks is Seth Rogen's Dad, in which Albert ("Brooks") Einstein portrays Seth Rogen's father.

The worst part is that now I'll sell never my boffo high-concept screenplay, Albert Brooks is Seth Rogen's Dad, in which Albert ("Brooks") Einstein portrays Seth Rogen's father.