The Clash at Demonhead

Fuck, now I do too. Thanks a lot @avclub-b210215075f68e712aa3d04c9269aea8:disqus .

Fuck, now I do too. Thanks a lot @avclub-b210215075f68e712aa3d04c9269aea8:disqus .

" it wasn't that it was unnecessarily grotesque either, but it was just
sad and pathetic in the way one would expect Lane's death to be."

" it wasn't that it was unnecessarily grotesque either, but it was just
sad and pathetic in the way one would expect Lane's death to be."

"That's the last time you put a knife in me, y'hear?"

"That's the last time you put a knife in me, y'hear?"

That's the problem with this show lately. They're throwing decoy love interests at Barney and Robin left and right, and they don't even bother to make them developed enough to be plausible. When someone as awful as Quinn or transparently obvious as Kevin comes around, you don't bother to get interested in them because

And as the same douchey, lecherous teacher figure he played on Happy Endings. Not that I mind, it got a chuckle out of me on both shows.

The "I love you" thing backed them into more of a corner (imo) than any of the other Mother details - the wedding, the roommate, etc. I happen to like Ted well enough but knowing that Victoria is not the mother and that he's never going to say "I love you" to her, after helping to convince her to ditch her wedding,

As much as I love the Victoria character, I wish they hadn't wasted Ashley Williams on someone who isn't going to be the Mother. She'd have been really perfect for it. And Ted's other love interests have been so uniformly heinous that I'm almost guaranteed to hate whoever ends up being the Mother, unless we just get a

Yeah, it really doesn't help that (imho) the season has been pretty hit or miss. I used to be a fairly active fan of the show but between the inconsistent quality and the weird scheduling, it's less "must watch TV" and more "must check the DVR for new episodes every 3 weeks or so".

Christ, HIMYM is off again? Is it me or do they have one of the oddest schedules this season? Episodes seem to just pop in and out at random.

I love that this article tries to ignore the implications of Harmon making a public apology for his part in all this douchebaggery and then going and doing the same thing again. I mean, it's mentioned, but the hammer seems to come down only on the website that posted it. If you honestly think that Harmon was

I will watch this just to see John Gallagher Jr. and Tommy Sadoski take on non-theater roles. The results may be mixed, but I'll definitely stick around to find out.

I'd honestly be more likely to watch a sitcom where Jeong was the lead, just because it seems like he is capable of controlling his insanity when the situation calls for it. His brief appearance in Knocked Up was enough to make me think that he might have more sustainable comedic potential. On the other hand, I

I'm usually not a fan of rapid-fire joke tags at the end of sitcom episodes, because they're just a blatant way of trying to squeeze out a few more laughs and usually have diminishing returns. But getting to see Jake Johnson enacting weirder and more elaborate rich person scenarios while sitting in that giant leather

This was absolutely the right choice. I may be biased as a tofu-loving vegan, but I think when faced with the fact that your production will inevitably cause numerous animals to die - no matter what precautions you take, you have to move on and do something else. It was a good show, with the potential to be better,

To be fair, a shape-shifting villain would have (I think) actually fit very easily into Whedon's angsty take on the Avengers. With a villain that can look like any of the heroes, they would have had to find begrudging ways to trust each other, learn each other's true natures to tell them apart from the villains, etc.

"It’s amazing how much Leslie cares about this town given how little the rest of its residents seem to care about it. They’re fickle, completely unsure of what it is they want until someone smarter tellsthem what they want. "

Ehh, my parents did that all the time and I'm a productive, well-adjusted adult. Not saying it doesn't suck, or that one shouldn't try to avoid it, but it's not necessarily a big deal in and of itself.