The Clash at Demonhead

Well he owns the craphole house that his future family lives in. Guessing that now they might have him go all Notebook on us and start fixing it up.

Apparently when she was young a random person just walked into her yard and slashed her face. I'm not being sarcastic, that's actually what she said in an interview.

Apparently 911 calls are public record (banned in some states), but they only seem to be released/available when it's someone famous. IMO they should only be available for internal review (to assess dispatchers) or for pressing legal reasons. I don't think I could ever stomach listening to someone at such a moment of

Much as Lamorne Morris totally sold it this week, they need to try to make more of a character for Winston instead of just throwing him random character traits. They've already done a great job fleshing out Schmidt (there's a dirty joke in there somewhere AV Clubbers) but with Winston it's more like "This week he's

I, too, am wondering where this mysterious "potential" is that every defender of the show keeps insisting on. Maybe the bare bones of the premise - rich girl/poor girl, but nothing else about the plots, performances, writing, etc have shown that this can or even wants to be a better show than it is.

So can we now assume that Ted does not have another serious relationship before the mother? He does say that his confession to Robin was the last time he said it before saying it to the mom. I'll be interested to see if they stick with that, considering that they keep extending this show's run nearly indefinitely.

Seriously, I'm hoping this tanks so Hardy will re-think this new career move and stick to his dramatic work. There are enough decent looking actors with air between their ears who can star in all of America's shitty romantic comedies, we don't need someone with actual talent and potential to end up throwing away a

Come on, it's still Valentines Day (here). You couldn't have gone with "CBS Choo-choo-chooses Jonny Lee Miller?" For shame.

No, not exactly, but I tend to think that characters should be well-matched in terms of performance level in order to have believable chemistry. The fact that, in my opinion, NPH is way ahead of Becki Newton in terms of acting ability makes their relationship difficult for me to enjoy. Granted, we're obviously going

There was a lot to like about this episode, and a lot to think about the relationships between the gang. However, I could just not get over how awful the woman playing Quinn was. Her character is a stereotype I've seen before (minus the stripper part maybe) and her line deliveries did nothing to elevate it. Bad marks

I keep trying to decide which of these three scenarios is most accurate:

The emptiness was definitely palpable in this episode. HIMYM can do "structure episodes" well (as NPH tweeted it) but not when there's nothing emotional to back it up. Certainly the weak point of this fairly good season.

In the Darkest Timeline, stripper Lily is the mother.

This movie has been around the interwebs for a while and despite my admiration for almost everyone in the cast I can say, without hesitation, that it is a giant turd. I find I like Westfeldt less and less as an actress every time I see her, and I wish she'd have stayed behind the camera and spent the extra time

I didn't understand why the AVN skit seemed to fall flat with the audience, I definitely thought it was the highlight of the show.

Watching Chris Jones fall over himself trying to impress Nathan was the highlight of the evening for me. He's getting massively short changed on this show, and I think it's because he unfortunately ended up on the Texas themed season. No previous city has ever influenced the challenges quite this much, and I think

"Nice tie, Dennis."

Despite their glaring issues, I found myself reasonably entertained by both "Tin Man" and "Alice" so I'm disappointed to hear that this doesn't even follow in the footsteps of other decently palatable SciFi channel entertainment.

Not HBO, Showtime, Cinemax, or Starz. The other one.

(I think Tommy is used here for "Freddy" several times, jsyk).