The Clash at Demonhead

I can understand why The Office keeps chugging because, let's be honest, most of their cast won't be getting too much work after this, but it's just starting to get embarrassing.

How far are they going to be able to go on LCK before re-integrating with the still-competing chefs? It would seem a little unfair if they were to get to quietly compete on the sidelines all season and then come in right before the finale.

There was some serious bromance going on at the end of this episode. I felt pretty bad about how hard Ritchie took the loss, but I'm hoping Chris and his wacky sunglasses/bandana/ponytail combo will get to the finals.

Didn't Matt and Trey recently do an interview talking about how crazy the production schedule was and that they weren't too invested in it anymore? (I know Seth MacFarlane said something similar about Family Guy, but that's not what I'm thinking of.) Oh well, if I was getting paid what they presumably are, I'd stick

I haven't always been the biggest fan of the Barney/Robin story, but watching Neil Patrick Harris in that final scene gutted me.

Yes, any time Glee acknowledges Rivera's vocal talents, it's an actual plus.

- Lack of Sue 
- Lack of Schuester/Emma… or just Schuester in general
- Lack of Shelby/Puck/Quinn/Baby storyline
- Lack of extraneous focus on tertiary characters

You forgot to mention the requisite rape and dildo jokes. 2 Broke Girls will continue to show us how hip and edgy it is by lightly alluding to rape and dildos in every episode until somewhere in Season 4 when Max's dildo will achieve sentience and go on a Williamsburg rape spree. Kat Denning's will respond with

Glad to see the show getting back to form.

Some people are now saying that it means "He rises" but they've suggested a number of different languages, none of which I've been able to confirm with various translation dictionaries.

I think the constant threat of 13 episode seasons affected Chuck pretty negatively. There would be a 13-episode narrative and then 7 or so episodes of …something else. Whatever they could come up with. It made every season feel really stilted and broken.

Will the writers ever acknowledge the irony that Max spends her days crusading against hipsters and yuppies, and yet takes the most hated of all hipster tactics by continuously talking about how she liked Williamsburg before it was cool? Being rude to customers who like your product just because they're "invading"

Yeah I can't really grasp why Max can act like a total cunt the whole episode (most episodes, in fact) and it all gets chalked-up to fear of failure or low self-esteem. Being incredibly rude to people who are buying your product solely to protect your "street cred" isn't funny, it's as obnoxious and cloyingly childish

The theory about Ted suddenly becoming a great character again when he got sidelined is still holding up. I managed to live through Katie Holmes dead-eyed performance just because Ted is pretty much killing it.

Only briefly watched this for the man, the myth, the Canadian - Chuck Hughes. Love that guy.

"Probably from being really tired, from all the challenges."

Are you kidding? When Julie Andrews sang that song in her delightful British lilt I felt like I was living inside the soft, warm fluff of a teddy bear!

As someone who is not even a fan of the Barney/Robin relationship (and really wants Kal Penn to stick around), they need to ditch Nora FAST. Could she come off as more of a frigid bitch? Her singing frightened me because I imagined it would be followed by cold, calculated murder.

I think, given the quality of his last few fictional releases, that Palahniuk is now better suited to non-fiction efforts. Fugitives & Refugees and Stranger than Fiction were both good reads, mostly due to the fact that the real world situations keep Palahniuk accountable and force some follow through, instead of

Who is Vanessa Bayer fucking at NBC? Wait, wait, that's rude. What I should say is who was smoking crack on the day they were handing out cast contracts? She seems like a nice enough gal but she drags down every sketch she's in. They let Casey Wilson go for a lot less.