big bada boom

The guy hardly bathed, so smelly…

You got dead air, mate.

I'm no doctor, but my first thought was Meniere's disease.

In that case, sir, may I advise against the lady eating clam chowder?

Usually that sort of thing is automatic.

I only say no to astrology.

I think standard perv rate is $50, each.

*Head butts JMP*

This news made me reverse my opinion of this company.

There will be, there will be…

Make Polio Great Again!

How come the media didn't report on the reshoots for this?

A quick scan shows 1974 as the top year with 970. Come on Chicago, let's buckle down and go for the record.


Trump delaying his "business empire" plans has nothing to do with the electoral college vote.

It was two percent milk, which is unusual for me, as I normally have whole.

After January, Nugent will be best known for his Inauguration performance.

I guess the Los Pollos Hermanos bid ran into some problems.

Sometimes I ask myself why is this person here, but not you Miller, you're a good egg.

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