big bada boom

Mi oso su oso.

So you're saying it was the motherlode of loads?

"Try to guess what I am now."

Off the top of my head, I can't remember what happened.

That's what I said to my parents when I brought home a C in english.

I tried to jump the dumpster fire, but smoke got in my eyes and I crashed into the side of the dumpster, inhaled a bunch of carcinogens, and died from cancer.

If he had picked a not so senile running mate, he might have even got more votes than he did.

I just remembered back to the first episode of Black Mirror, and chuckled.

You mean I've been carry pictures of Chairman Mao for nothing?

And still are if you look at the shit in North Dakota.

*Michael Richards agrees*

*Looks up definition of Leaning*

How else are you supposed to eat a banana?

I'm not either, so we should get along fine, especially for 18 dollars.

You're really messing with my head, posting with both names today.

That was back when I thought Stein was just playing a smug douchebag, instead of actually being a worse douchebag in real life.

I was in tech for the scottish play and someone said Macbeth, so we cancelled the show. That someone did break their leg years later, so watch out!

It took me a season to find, but I have been able to watch live on computer for a couple of years now. Best part is most streamers block the ads.

They can remake Junior.

I like Holy Motors more and more with each viewing.