big bada boom

This was last nights WOT, still on the main page near the bottom. About a handful of comments into the thread.

If there wasn't hyperbole, there wouldn't be any bole at all. And here are the quotes I am referring to:
"But it's worth keeping in mind that most readers aren't all that interested in reading the comments, and even fewer actually participate in the comments."
"But there were a lot of good non-commenter reasons behind

My apologies to you and your adult son, sir. I mistook you for a pair of common street screwers.

Right around groot.

With the notice last night about WOT changing times, I think we can all know for sure that The AV Club doesn't give a shit about any commenter, or what they have to say. It was a very illuminating admission.

It always wanted to go outside, too. Then it would just sniff around, cry to come back in, and then pee on the floor.

2016 said it'll flip ya. It'll flip ya for real.

Ask Tray Walker how not wearing a helmet worked out.

"Excuse me, this is the mentally handicapped street corner, the brain damaged corner is over there."

Looks like I picked the right week to start sniffing glue.

I started in stand up just like you guys, but now… See, I'm buying a bottle of scotch for Dangerfield. Soon, I'll be on TV. In a year or two, I'll be buying lunch for Eddie Murphy and that's when the big bucks start rolling in.

That Young Comedians Special was so good. I have watched it many, many times.

Normal people aren't up this late, so most do see it on the day of.

The ones complaining are looking for a job.

I think you mean, for you guys.

Hoses him down with gasoline.

The breakfast cigarette is the most important cigarette of the day.

Girl, I just found the man in the boat.

"It's dignity! Gah! Don't you even know dignity when you see it?"

Now I don't know if my tone is conveying the sadness I feel about this, but I am, pardon my French, "merde."