Benedict Cumonherpatch

O'Neal done fucked up now.

The guest actor this week was terrible. And also, when is Hollywood going to actually cast Asian actors who can actually speak the dialect/language their characters are supposed to be fluent in? What, thousands of Asian actors in L.A. and they couldn't find one who could speak at least passable Cantonese instead of

And the action scenes were, I thought, the most well-shot action scenes in a long time. Clean, uncluttered and featured really good use of space. You always knew where the characters were in relation to one another.

I seriously hope that's the unholy love child of Ben Affleck and Matt Damon, and not Tom Papa.

"…except he uses his powers of observation and deduction not to catch
criminals, but to solve the mystery of how to keep his balls from ever
turning blue."

Well, Candlebox were basically the Nickelback of the '90s.

I'm totally stealing "Go for the balls" as the tagline for the sports movie I'm going to write.

"Also, although I'm not an expert, I'm pretty sure you don't play
Mah-johng by throwing the tiles up in the air and trying to grab the
most valuable piece with chopsticks…"

Glad to see you guys give the writers so much credit. Don't get me wrong, I like the show and the showrunners, and I think what you all say makes sense. But I also think that it's possible it's a mistake - it can be easy to miss things like this in the day-to-day grind of doing a show like this.

More of a secret agent/private detective than a cop though.

Or, you know, the writer didn't do his or her research and simply got it wrong?

"Hugh Jackman, the obsessive born-again vigilante, was right all along:
Dano really is connected to the crime. (Leo is the culprit.) Torture
turns out to be just as effective as police work; in fact, Jackman
solves the crime first."

So basically Ben Affleck will be playing Tony Mendez playing Batman?

The wrongful termination suit was first revealed back in the very first scene of ep 4, when the lawyers are taking Maggie's deposition. It's not stated it was Jerry who was bringing the suit, but it's obvious who it was.