
Tony's confusion arises from the fact that he does remember AJ talking about Harvard and West Point over dinner at the end of season 2 - but it was part of his fever dream. I thought it was a nice touch as I also occasionally have odd memories that take me a little while to figure out were part of a 'realistic' dream.

Flip it over and everything will come out like scenes from light opera.

Sea Devils!
To anyone who knows their Pertwee era Who, those Silurian soldiers look familiar: reptile faces, fish-net tunics, dish-like weapons held at shoulder height. The original show had the sea devils ('Eocenes') as cousins of the Silurians, but the new show seems to have quietly re-cast them as Silurians in

The Complete Works of Shakespeare
Too easy?

'It's' and 'slightly', obviously.

My copy of the Chinatown DVD has an interview with Towne in which he outlines his original ending. Basically, when Dunaway shoots Huston she kills him but the last shot is of her about to be executed for the murder, so its a bittersweet kind of revenge. He seems slighlty annoyed that Polanski described this ending as

I thought it was patchily funny, despite being a rehash of 'Back to Reality'. And the Cat's scuba-diving suit is a thing to behold.