
You can't seriously think Mike O'Brien should stay on the show over Noel Wells, Brooks Wheelan or Jon Milhiser. Mike O’Brien can barely utter a word when he’s on camera. He looks like he’s gonna piss his pants when he’s onstage. He delivers his lines so stiffly with almost no comical timing. And he’s barely

Damn, they're adding six to the cast, and they're all white. SMH.

Fuck indeed. I just finished reading The Big Bounce, too.

Whatever happened to his career. After Scott Pilgrim bombed, he disappeared.

Weak season? This has been quite a solid season for a transtion year.

God, what am I going to do without new 30 Rock's in my life.

You could have done without Jay's Kat Williams impression? You're kidding, right? That was one of the only good bits of the episode. And Renner dragged down every sketch he was in. He was HORRIBLE. One of their worst hosts in awhile. I felt bad for him in the monologue  He looked like he was going to piss his pants.

You could have done without Jay's Kat Williams impression? You're kidding, right? That was one of the only good bits of the episode. And Renner dragged down every sketch he was in. He was HORRIBLE. One of their worst hosts in awhile. I felt bad for him in the monologue  He looked like he was going to piss his pants.

I'm assuming Pharoah is having a lot of trouble getting a sketch on air. He talked about that in an interview. I'm assuming Lorne doesn't want him doing impressions of white celebrities, which is ridiculous when you have Armisen doing Obama and Ice-T.

Lol, I still can't believe they got away with doing that on network television. I actually they're reffering to the ep in season 2 "Greenzo" Pete is having  secret affair in Liz's apartment with his wife.

Lol, I still can't believe they got away with doing that on network television. I actually they're reffering to the ep in season 2 "Greenzo" Pete is having  secret affair in Liz's apartment with his wife.

Pete had always been that kind of a character. From the early episodes of 30 Rock, you could tell that Jack was supposed to be the antagonist, but they switched that early with him mentoring her, which comes very early on in the first season. I guess  the character dynamic just shifted early from the pilot on.

Pete had always been that kind of a character. From the early episodes of 30 Rock, you could tell that Jack was supposed to be the antagonist, but they switched that early with him mentoring her, which comes very early on in the first season. I guess  the character dynamic just shifted early from the pilot on.

Lemon, isn't there a slanket somewhere you should be filling with your farts.

It's a 30 Rock reference. Tracy Morgan's character on the show is an egoter. It was a whole very funny and brilliant arch in Season 5.

It's a 30 Rock reference. Tracy Morgan's character on the show is an egoter. It was a whole very funny and brilliant arch in Season 5.

Well, the ratings are still doing a hell of a lot better than that flop "Girls." Obviously, audiences are somewhat responding to this show that's actually trying to do something then a show like Girls which merely copies a hundred other indie films before. The pretentious snob critics thought Girls was so

Well, the ratings are still doing a hell of a lot better than that flop "Girls." Obviously, audiences are somewhat responding to this show that's actually trying to do something then a show like Girls which merely copies a hundred other indie films before. The pretentious snob critics thought Girls was so

Wow, what a crazily overwritten scene with Allison Pill at the beginning. 
It felt like someone was doing a Sorkin parody. I thought the first episode, while flawed, was nicely done.

Wow, what a crazily overwritten scene with Allison Pill at the beginning. 
It felt like someone was doing a Sorkin parody. I thought the first episode, while flawed, was nicely done.