vaguely canadian

Whence appeared that cozy-looking beverage? The Purchase-less Latte is the twee Zipless Fuck.

Agreed about the facile and the childish. Not so much about the mouth-shooting.

He doesn't have grandchildren.

was beautiful, thank you.

I loved Date Night. Levy's involvement suggests that there's a comedic element to this Frankenstein, which I'd love to see done well. Remaining, as always, cautiously psyched.

"Prey: the more contempt you have for it, the easier it is to hunt!" - Maxim readers

Oh you guys.
I kind of love this. Sounds summery. I think Will Sheff was right about Bejar— his sense of humor/ good humor always saves the day. Snark's different from bemused self-awareness— the former's born of cynicism. Then again, I have a soft spot in my skull for good-natured couple collaborations. The Silver