
The balance is definitely tipped more towards surrealism, horror, and tragedy and less toward humor than it was in the original series. But it's not as thoroughly harrowing as Fire Walk With Me, and there have still been plenty of moments that made me laugh out loud. Part of the strength of Twin Peaks has always been

Cheyenne is Asian-American. Or at least Nichole Bloom's mother is Japanese, so it would make sense for that to be reflected in her character's heritage.

Calling his career "wildly inconsistent" is just outrageous. Wheatley is one of the most insteresting filmmakers currently working. Sightseers, Kill List, and High Rise are all absolutely marvelous, Down Terrace is pretty good, and A Field In England is fascinating and beautiful if nothing else. All of his Rotten

I haven't played much Ghosts 'n Goblins, and I can see how it would be deeply unfun when you're paying money each time you die. But I have had countless hours of fun with Ghouls 'n Ghosts and Super Ghouls 'n Ghosts. Sure, they're not for everybody. But don't try to tell me those games aren't well-made to please a

Sorry my post was so dickish. I guess it just bugged me because it's a legitimately interesting show and people are less likely to check it out if they think it's just another zombie thing. I overreacted. My apologies.

BrainDead isn't about zombies. AV Club already axed coverage just three episodes into the series, so it feels especially irksome for you guys to totally misrepresent the premise. You were interviewing one of the stars of the show! Could you not be bothered to do the tiniest bit of research?

Saw this at SXSW and very much enjoyed it. The trailer doesn't fully communicate the strong Tim & Eric vibe the movie has. I've described it to people as being like Tim & Eric, Troma, and John Waters all collaborated on a movie, and every time someone threw out an idea, someone else said "No; make it grosser." I'm

Yes! Absentia is so good, and so underseen. I have done a lot of defending of Oculus and I maintain that it's a good movie, but Absentia is better (and Hush is even better than that).

I collect VHS and I remember watching them all through my childhood. They are nostalgic for me (and dirt cheap). All the other collectors I know are my age or older. You're constructing strawhipsters.

It's not a screen size issue, it's how they produce the image. You can watch a tape on a very large CRT and a very small LCD and the LCD will still make it look worse.

But it does make practical sense, because VHS is dirt cheap. I have a large collection, and most of those tapes cost me fifty cents to two dollars. It would be impossible for me to find disc-format copies of those movies for such low prices.

Bamford was doing that bit long before Schumer was famous. It seems unlikely to me that she would have set out to "take down" a struggling comic who was way less well-known than her at the time.

I can't find any evidence he used the word "pure" anywhere. He said he saw Mulligan and "wanted to protect her" and that eliminating the interracial relationship would shed political baggage. Granted, that casting choice and his defense of it were both problematic. But I'd put that a solid four notches on the racism

Good catch! Didn't think of that. So assuming 14 attempts per minute he would have been basically guaranteed to open the safe in under 2 hours.

This movie took so much from Polanski it hardly has any identity of its own, and is full of cheap jump scares added in post-production. I wanted to like it, I really did, but I honestly don't see how anyone who has seen Repulsion and The Tenant could find much that's worthwhile here.

I did some math. Ravi knew the 4 digits in the code and the number of digits. The number of possible permutations would be 4,096. He clearly printed out all the possible permutations and tried them one by one. Assuming a rate of 14 attempts per minute (my guess at his rate from what we saw), it would have taken under

Look at Gabriel's comment, and then look at your response. Read them both several times. Gabriel was very careful to word everything diplomatically, and merely brought up the complexity inherent in convicting anyone of any crime. You responded like he had just come out in support of rapists everywhere. If you can't

I'm not an MRA or right wing in the least. I'm a liberal and a feminist, which is why it bothers me when people like you suck all of the nuance and complexity out of things. Feminism gets a bad name when the people who speak up for it do a shitty job. I can disagree with elements of Hill's argument and most of her

She is a crap reviewer. There. And you are a crap conversationalist. The two dumbest contributions to this thread I have found are both yours. Congratulations!

I only sort of disagree with her and I still found it annoying. Talking about the political implications of a piece of culture is PART of a reviewer's job. Not the whole damn thing. Plus, it was decidedly not the central feature of the episode. It had less screen time than Will's stupid ghost dad. And leave Gamergate