

What bothered me most about Lennier's attempt to kill Sheridan is that
no sane engineer would build a life safety door that can't be opened
from both sides

Oh my GOD.

It's the curse of B5. Bruce Boxleitner needs to keep killing off other actors on the show to keep himself young and to make sure he still has a career.

There's also, and I include myself in this entirely superficial category, how you may feel about redheads vs blondes.

Wait, Lennier died during the Telepath War?

Except in super hot fanfiction where Talia returns with awesome vorlon powers to pick up with Susan where she left off.

The dirty little secret of Bruce Boxleitner's career is that he loves, I mean straight-up loves, being Bruce Boxleitner, in the same way that William Shatner and Adam West love being William Shatner and Adam West.

Keffer didn't have perfect knowledge of the situation, and his only error in judgment was that he wasn't a main character.

If I recall correctly, Keffer was forced on the show by the network, so JMS never committing to him was to be expected.

If by "stuck doing" you mean "reveled in."


Between this and the dinner from the previous episode, Minbari culture
looks ridiculous, unsustainable, and like it exists only as a comparison
to the awesomely rambunctious human culture.

Well, how are we defining "need?" The Dominion probably doesn't need Dukat to just roll over Cardassia.

But there is a difference between being motivated by a desire to punish
for punishment's sake, and being motivated by a desire to deter
undesirable behavior.

Ah, the regular "Let's talk about Enterprise" subthread. Always a pleasure.

Picardo, followed by Jeri Ryan and Robert Duncan McNeill, probably in that order.

I'm pretty sure my behavior doesn't fit the definition of sanctimonious, as it is neither affected nor hypocritical.

Man-card renewal to Worf, obviously, for not quitting.  Man-card renewal
to the Jem'Hadar dude for finding a way to compliment Worf in the most
macho style possible.

But it's not "fuck you, mutant," it's "we will make it impossible for
anybody who resorts to genetic engineering to benefit the way they