
Archer's 'Primes Directive' speech was the single most cringe-worthy part of Enterprise for me.

All this negativity about TNG makes me sad.

Ironically, "it's just a war movie" was one of the more common criticisms of DS9. Hard to remember now, but a significant chunk of Trek fans hated the series when it aired.

There's no shame in it if he doesn't.

Which means, I assume, you've already seen the Enterprise episode(s) with Coombs as the best Andorian ever?

Something I always feel compelled to bring up in these discussions:

Enterprise, like Voyager and TNG, is very much a 'seperate the wheat from the chaff' series rather than a 'watch a whole season' series.


Fed weapons are great for hard combat. They're just high-maintenance and require regular servicing in order to continue working properly. That's a disadvantage for a group of scrappy rebels, but an advantage for, you know, a great power. The Feds have won every single war they've ever been in, they're doing something

I have only three things to add.

@geofzilla:twitter Well, here's the thing. What you say COULD be true. And yes, I did read the article at Memory Alpha. It doesn't speak to the officialdom of Section 31 definitively either way.

He's just at the top of his game in this one.

Theoretically Janeway had a dog back on Earth.

I hate most of the Lwaxana episodes except for one. That one redeemed almost all her other appearances.

It seems the President doesn't know about them, since they have an
operative in his cabinet, but he seems like a clueless president.

I call them a criminal conspiracy because if they're a legitimate part of the government, then, in my view, the Federation changes in ways that are incompatible with the series and how it presents itself.

Ah, Sons of Mogh. Otherwise known as "Julian Bashir once again demonstrates he regards medical ethics as entirely optional."

So, I assume from information gleaned later in the show that Section 31
was either working with or manipulating Leyton here, which neatly
explains how they faked the changeling test.

In this instance I think JMS was justified. General Haig was set up to be rather important in B5, and JMS cast him specifically with an entire story arc in mind. Foxman knew that.

Hand to god, I thought Baltar was being played by Siddig for, like, the entire first season.