
It would come down to either Elaida or Tuon, and I chose Tuon because despite being more self-aware and centered than Elaida, she represents ideals that are way more toxic, and did more damage both personally and as a ruler, than Elaida did.

You know, my complaint about the ridiculous Trill "taboo" isn't about the taboo itself, but what it says about the Federation.

everybody in Trill society has a symbiote

Isn't Reed the one who eventually ends up working for Section 31?

And T’Pol is also better with some distance from Voyager.  After 7of9
they’d hyped the sexy-Vulcan thing so much, and the pilot has the
terrible decontamination scene, but so far in S1 the fanservice is
barely noticeable (although I know that will change).

Which actually makes sense. Remember, the Federation kicked the asses of the Romulans and held off the Klingons with one hand using ships that had not been designed as warships. Fought the Cardassians to a standstill as well.

Just because we never see it actually defend DS9

The rule is actually 'all Dax episodes are not actually about Dax.'

If I were Bashir, I'd tell Dax to kiss my ass, it's like the ultimate friend zone.

"I can never tell when he's joking."

The Dragon’s walking tour through a handful of potential realities is a premise the books have used again and again

It didn't even go the other route of "we need evil in the world because some vague 'balance' demands it."

What happened to Perrin and Matt?

Even without the problematic gender politics in WoT, the series as a whole treats love as sort of this… thing that just comes at people out of nowhere for no good reason regardless of compatibility, shared interests, or even the ability to be in the same room without wanting to kill each other.

Hey, that's not true.

No, you shouldn't.

I'm pretty sure that DS9 has more explosions and time travel in it than any other Trek show.

Not just Beltran. At some point they all started phoning it in.

I am a little weirded out by how passionate O'Brien is for labor activism

The idea that the Krogan would suddenly become an unchecked galactic terror is ridiculous