The Section 31 arc is one of the best Trek arcs period.
The Section 31 arc is one of the best Trek arcs period.
The Section 31 arc is one of the best Trek arcs period.
The Federation basically survives on a combination of righteous indignation and naked idealism, though. It's the bedrock of their society and its gotten them this far.
The Federation basically survives on a combination of righteous indignation and naked idealism, though. It's the bedrock of their society and its gotten them this far.
I'm pretty sure Bashir justifies what they did to Kurn based on the idea that if he didn't do it, Kurn would kill himself somehow, so he's preserving life.
I'm pretty sure Bashir justifies what they did to Kurn based on the idea that if he didn't do it, Kurn would kill himself somehow, so he's preserving life.
Serious question; how was Kira supposed to notice?
Serious question; how was Kira supposed to notice?
… people think Na'Toth was terrible?
… people think Na'Toth was terrible?
company towns weren't feudal institutions, they were capitalist ones
company towns weren't feudal institutions, they were capitalist ones
Delenn has been rigorous about staying in-character and even constructing an elaborate backstory justifying her presence her. It's a thrill to watch.
Delenn has been rigorous about staying in-character and even constructing an elaborate backstory justifying her presence her. It's a thrill to watch.
Fun fact about Joran!Sisko… Brooks apparently did it even creepier the first time out, to the point where people on set were visibly discomfited and scared he was going to go totally in-character and do something just awful to Farrell. The guys at Paramount took one look and ordered them to dial it way back.
Fun fact about Joran!Sisko… Brooks apparently did it even creepier the first time out, to the point where people on set were visibly discomfited and scared he was going to go totally in-character and do something just awful to Farrell. The guys at Paramount took one look and ordered them to dial it way back.
how the hell does a feudal society maintain itself past the development
of industrial manufacture, much less interstellar flight?
how the hell does a feudal society maintain itself past the development
of industrial manufacture, much less interstellar flight?