
Maybe I'm just being cynical, but whenever a show that I watch introduces a new love interest, you know they aren't going to end up with the main character, because they themselves aren't main characters.

I've read a lot of places where the writer will say that a scene was melodramatic. Thats not something I would use when I describe Scrubs. Granted I'll fully admit that I maybe get wrapped up in the story and the characters more than most people, but when I hear melodramatic I think of something like Gundam. Am I

Especially in this case because I'm pretty sure that Cox know it wasn't J.D's idea

I mean they did lampshade it late in the shows run when J.D says he never drinks beer and Turk calls him out on it and he says something like "Okay yeah I used to drink it but I never liked it"

okay fair point. But at least in the early seasons J.D. was a normal, not the "oh hey look at how wacky and odd and girly J.D. is!"

I'd agree with that. One of the things I hate about the later seasons of scrubs is how J.D. went from being an insecure neurotic but relatively grounded character to this totally neurotic man child who didnt know anything about sports and didnt drink beer.

I didnt start really watching it until it was in its 5th or 6th season, but season 8 finished right when I was moving across the country to go to college, so it really hit home with me

I think that is a common view of the show. But for me, in a lot of episodes is transcends just being a normal sitcom, and you really feel for the characters. Yeah it is a goofy show for the most part but man when they get serious shit gets real.  

I think that the first 3 seasons are pretty solid, the 4th and 5th ones are alright, 6th and 7th are pretty meh, and the 8th one is right back up there again with the first 3. Season 9 doesn't exist to me

My favorite TV themes are Adventure Time and Dr. Who

I mean we do wear purple jerseys.

As a born and bred Minnesotan, I love Marshall and his shot at the Packers.

Shawn of the Dead had a happy ending for the most part

I've always felt that How I Met Your Mother does a good job of realistically showing a close group of friends that also have their own (mostly) separate groups of friends.

First rated R movie I ever saw was braveheart, when i was 8 i think. My dad wouldn't let me watch the end when Mel Gibson was killed. In theater, probably V for Vendetta

The first rated R movie ever saw was braveheart, and my dad wouldn't let me watch the part at the end when Mel Gibson dies. First rated R movie I ever saw in theater was probably Th e Passion of the Christ.

I want a turtle-duck so bad

yeah yeah another pixar movie
For my money, the scene in WALL-E when hes dying, and then again when he doesnt remember EVA makes me cry more than anything else in recent memory