
Donald = Lincoln Lee?

Donald = Lincoln Lee?

Not directly related to this week's episode but here's my grand theory for how the show will end:

Not directly related to this week's episode but here's my grand theory for how the show will end:

For me the first great episode would be "Ability" - David Robert Jones playing mind games on the FBI, the introduction to Cortexiphan, and the wonderfully tense sequence of Olivia turning off the lights to defuse the bomb - but yes, "Bad Dreams" definitely belongs on the list as well.

For me the first great episode would be "Ability" - David Robert Jones playing mind games on the FBI, the introduction to Cortexiphan, and the wonderfully tense sequence of Olivia turning off the lights to defuse the bomb - but yes, "Bad Dreams" definitely belongs on the list as well.

Angel's "Personally, I kinda want to slay the dragon" line:

Angel's "Personally, I kinda want to slay the dragon" line:

I don't know, I thought it was kind of cool how Astrid's comfort for Alterstrid wasn't "It's okay, he loved you just the way you are" as much as "It's okay, he was pretty messed up too."

I know I'm pretty late to this, but he didn't say "you WILL die," he said "you HAVE to die." So I assume that means that in all possible futures, she has to somehow sacrifice herself to achieve what (at least) the Observers want to happen.

Actually, I think there's a pretty good chance Jones is returning. I think he's the one developing the new shapeshifters from the premiere.

Walter's attempted self-lobotomy was probably one of the most unsettling things this show has ever done, which is saying something. That steady metal tapping sound as Olivia walked in? That was horrifying.

The fact that the actors are so damn good makes it easy to forget that there actually are two of the same people in one shot.

In the original Fringe-verse, she shot him but couldn't bring herself to finish it. Also in the original Fringe-verse, Peter was the one who told her (when they were kids) that she should tell Walter her stepfather was hitting her, which resulted in Walter confronting him, which resulting in him leaving her alone

This is exactly the kind of episode I was hoping Fringe would do now that the two worlds are bridged. The scene with McClellan confronting his serial killer self was just fascinating.

I saw it as amber, as in "missing," as in the world in which Peter is missing.

Astrid had a line tonight talking about the bridge where she said something like "we're lucky that machine didn't just blow up." So I think that in this timeline, both universes found the machine, and as soon as it was assembled (in the same spot in both universes) it just powered on and created the bridge. Which,

"Observers are here" has been in the title sequence of every episode, since the Pilot.

Couple of nice Terminator references thrown in there.
Future Ella identifies herself with a bar code on her wrist (I think). And the soldier who gave her the flag at the funeral had "Reese" on his nametag. Very nice.

Since we already have Over Here and Over There
I nominate "Over Then" as the name for the future scenes.