Chris in the Morning

Loved that gag… of course Vonnegut would get failed writing a paper about Vonnegut. I had that Prof.

Watch out for that kid's car…

How do you feel about Radio?

exchanging glances, strangers in the night…

Seems to have dredged up some childhood trauma here… Man Up, MacCown!

Now, there's no call for racism..

I think it is the response of the artist, thinking this is what I can do… but I'm uncomfortable with it. What pisses me off are musicians who write a song for a cause, then get on TV or start a benefit concert and cross over into self promotion. At the same time I understand the need to react in some positive way…

At my signal, unleash rain. -Noah

GARDENING!!! I'm there.

Did it in rain, snow, sun, but never in hail… -Ed Byrne

Can Joan sing in 13/8?

No, I'm sorry. That's Wangernumb.

I wonder if terrier is Fox exec's favorite breed.

ALL wisdom comes from the study birds…

I guess I should cut Troy some slack, forgot what a dick I could be at 13. Dara's bow is exactly like some of the stuff one of my granddaughters does. Doesn't matter if it's comfortable or fits… she "suffers" for her beauty… That said, GO ALEX!

I just thought she was over compensating because of her age. It was Troy that pissed me off. I liked that most of the kids tried to back each other, and Troy showed flashes of humanity, but mostly he came off as a reality show. Was it him or producers creating a villain or a little of both?

Ah, No… poor Jack. Well 2 good cooks and good kids in the final.

I wouldn't say evil, she wasn't cartoony like the adults on these things… she was just a fierce competitor and knew she had an uphill battle because she was a 9 yr. old girl. She had my heart too.

WHIP IT LIKE A MAN, GAVIN!!! WHIP IT LIKE A MAN!!! This is great fun, and I'm rooting for Jack.

"You people should be ashamed of yourselves for these jokes!" Captain B.J. Smethwick in a white wine sauce with shallots, mushrooms and garlic.