Chris in the Morning

Not so much "ditzy" as "sadder but wiser" and good with the zingers.

Me too… Weird little fringe group of over 45s.

I'm old as fuck, so I remember Newhart. I loved Carol and Mr. Carlin. Jerry was really annoying.

Bill Bruford!

Loved the scene in Mountains of the Moon with Patrick Bergin as Burton and Bernard Hill as Livingston.

the Guess Who.

Schwarzenegger'd get the Oscar for The Death of Liberace.

I see where you're going, but with the local council dragging it's heels and the banks unwilling to lend, where will you find the money to finish your analogy?

Now you're on the trolley!

Wanted to like it, but it just seemed to be, too big to be funny, much like 1941.

I'm ready, coach.

A buddy of mine kept pushing Anthony when I was a teen but I never read a single book of his. For pervy stuff I was more of a Phil Farmer guy. (and insufferable Ellison fanboy for a few years).

what colour was the phlegm?

What strange new world???

Easily… but is he Robert Clothier good?

Much love for the Fruits!

@avclub-0f0d67e214f9fef69b278e3d08114da9:disqus  Mud-Blood.  Dat Daa, Dat Daa, Daa Daa-Doo-Daa

@Scrawler2:disqus   Check out that Richard Francis Burton.  Great scar!

Oh, I was SOOO clever…  (scrolls down)   shit.

Maybe they could reboot another genre as a musical.  Maybe cop shows…