Chris in the Morning

That's what your mother said, Trebek!

Sorry Mr. O'Neal, I guess I'm "one of those…" but I must call you on a false attribution.  It wasn't Patrick Henry, it was Thornton Melon.

I was going to order the Sartre doll, but….

My wife and I are gardeners…

Sounds like a Bond Girl…

Hoy, hoy, hoy,
I'm a Chilliwack boy,
from the eastend to the westend,
Cultus Lake on the weekend.


I think you mean "moral".  "Legal" was invented by lawyers.

@avclub-f7dafc45da369f8581fdf3bd599075aa:disqus  Hey!  I do that too!  Shit!  It has all been worth it!

Franco, and Franco, and Franco, creeps in this petty pace from project to project.

This one and The Gambler were favs when I was a kid…   James Caan getting shit-kicked double bill.  Loved the look on Caan's face at the end of The Gambler. And in this one, loved him cracking the pad dispenser with his elbow, of course he knows how to break into any vending machine… he's Freebie!

And "Slaughter Das Kittens!" is how the Germans say "Good Day!"

Some say, he refuses to use computers and will only use an abacus, and that he once dated Bjork.  All we know is, he's called the Stig!

Correct answer:  Because if he wear it any place else, it chafes.

Michael Landon or GTFO.

Why is he wearing that toy on his head?

Ironside was also behind Gov. Arnie's fall from grace.  Revenge for when Gov. Arnie fucked his wife on Mars.

He was an altruistic pervert…

It's such a fine line between stupid, and uh…

@avclub-4a51fda79bbd54b4e7327dd6559b6c4d:disqus  God bless you child, you got your own.