Chris in the Morning

I think you're right.  Let's criticize her.

Pork fat.

Just offer Depp the part of King and tell him you wanna do it like Elvis.  He'd do it for free.

late to the party

Her middle name should be Bi-North.

something tells me you shouldn't say the word death/dead/die in a funeral song.  it's too obvious.  weird personal superstition?  I don't know…

You MUST let Her Majesty play as well.  Takes the mickey outa death.

@avclub-ddf39be6eb089c51636d28ea68254f5c:disqus fds jlk ewr iuoxvc eqw pio.

And why am I not?

He's just another victim of Ojibwe marketing.

Also sadly…

For something completely different…

Amanda could teach these kids a thing or two about sexy vampires…

Costner, who else?

It's a winner!  Arnie & Danny discover they have 2 more brothers…
Andy Richter, Queen Latifah and a motion captured Andy Serkis as a talking dachshund named Colin.

Portnoy been to the butcher again?


They can't say that, can they?

The Leering Channel.  Obvious?  Yes, but there it is…

I know what ya' mean, TL, I know what ya' mean…  Back in aught eight, I remember a fearsome shower of CancerAIDS rainin' down on a host of ne'er-do-well Firsters or "Piss-ants" as we used to call em'.