Chris in the Morning

Mayor of Simpleton, me.

Could have been a Dan Brown book…

You stop that right Now!

I'll Direct for them.  $500,000 salary… up front.  A bargain!  And what kind of foreign commie name is "Ayn"?

"people like that" are the reason humans have made it this far…

@avclub-09c204bbb5136d76ab867e59e3c2c434:disqus  amen.  Fuck Lipitor!

Ce-dars how to spruce up a pun!  Don't let fir stop you!

Everyone lies…
she learned that from House.

Robin:  Okay, I get the robbing part, but your telling me I GIVE IT AWAY?  What kind of Obama shit is that?

Gee, what a swell guy!  Can I have that nickel now?

Well I don't know how to write a big hit song, 
And all crossword puzzles well I just shun,

Shit!  We can't have swordfighting in the streets!  If only a coroner or someone was an expert in swords!

I made a Jacques Lacan joke…

Jean-Luc is french, they reverse terms sometimes.

Vagina?  Pfft.  Waste of time…  Penis puns are the only ones that count - Jacques Lacan.

Stefon, Drunk Uncle, Aunt Linda, Jean K Jean…

@avclub-02826839d3ba0147c556e72553e00785:disqus  Hey!  Cheborneck!

Damned Lutonians, should have finished the job…

Boxing Glove wrapped in barbed wire?

@PugsMalone:disqus  Just feeling sentimental, just got another dog from our local rescue society.  Part Chi, part Pug.  Wife fell in love with it and now I have too…