Chris in the Morning

I remember Tumbleweeds!  That was one of my favorite comics when I was a kid.

Just wait until you see how Tarantino will deal with the Native genocide.  A great warrior chief who gets revenge not only on white imperialists but on small pox itself.  I think the working title is Grappelli Immunized.

Don't bother getting one…  Mine's been on the fritz since 1975.

I'm waiting for Affleck's next film a WWI drama about a plucky State Department operative who organizes a band of American POWs into a fake touring theater company.   While pretending to be working on a Jules Verne production, they win the war by throwing the Kaiser off of Vimy Ridge.  Based on a True Story!

Why is there ANY "debate" about torture?

the ridiculous 6…

I hope this tour happens, and everyone covers it.  Then mobs of reporters will scare the shit out of the one black guy who shows up trying to interview him.

Dear Sean,
While I get what you were trying to do with the "Johnny" analogy, I think it was a bit tortured.  Perhaps an "Elephant Man" riff would have worked better.  "Up All Night, just wanted to be like a normal show.  Perhaps NBC will just let it lay down and it will go to sleep and never get up again."  Something

Have to cut it with a knife or it won't fit ya good.

Just feelin' pissy this morning so… Cheers reference.

I got a Anastasia Beaverhausen notification for this?

No, I think you are wrong, and here is why…

Wake Up!

Make it Mr. Daniels beverage and it could be "Jack Hammered".

Film critic Abe Maslow:  All you got is a hammer?  meh.

Tucson is a better name…

Salieri thinks its good…
Somebody gonna die.

The untold story of one woman's obsession to posess every child on earth…

Mama's got a squeezebox?

Cause, people with lotsa money are big hearted and generous to a fault.  