Chris in the Morning

Back in the day it was Mother, Jugs & Speed.

He was briefly Thin Lizzy's guitarist, but alas he and Phil didn't get along.

Good Catholic boy…
They know bout this stuff.

Paul Muni did a not bad job if I remember correctly…

You're anal, Alvy…

Hear ya got a thing against panties on the rod…

Does your dog bite?

It was Hell, Bucky!  Hell!

I remember studying the Dreyfus Affair in school.  Don't remember the part about drugging and raping children.

HEY!  Doll's House is a classic of the Modern Theatre!

But he'll finally be rich enough to hire 24/7 bodyguards to prevent all the peeps kicking him.

Say what you will about the President; at least he's Black.

He built it one piece at a time, and it didn't cost him a dime.

No thanks…
I'm trying to cut down.

Don't forget "piss on"…
sorry "trickle down"!

If you want to go older… Orin Scrivello DDS = Walken.
And he can sing & dance!

It has to be someone BIG.  Like Leo or Brad…

There was a time, in this fair land,
when the movies were all one.
And a wild, majectic actor,
stood alone against the sun.

If you're talking retro and explosions… pirates is the only way to go.

(deeply inhales)  You just play.  We'll follow you, man…