Chris in the Morning

And the "threatening note" is E flat.  Simply because E flat wants blood.

Clearly the "threatening note" is the one, wired to the dynamite.  The perfectionist has to play it wrong to survive!

Sonsofbitches! Bumpases!



Just read your Timothy Findley if you want to know what really killed the Unicorn…

The US is Canada's longjohns.

see above…

Every cutaway just showed a lump of primordial ooze.  Fox bailed.

Still a so hard on the French…

Don't mention the War!

Shoulda filmed in B&W, then got Koreans to handpaint each frame.

Mamma Mia!

Who says white ain't a perjorative?  White folks?

What's with all the friggin' CROW HATS???  Is it a prerequisite to work on this movie?

Okay, an hour and no trouble.  We're down to PUCE ALERT

I'm with K, we tend to be lazy and allow a lot of evil shit.  But there are those South American priests who laid down their lives with the peasant farmers, or Tommy Douglas types fighting for healthcare.  I honestly think that if you truely are a Christian, you have to pay attention to the over 2000 bible verses

Trucks and Mustangs… waiting patiently…

Bad Gateway?

He's an asshole, but he is OUR asshole.  What can ya do?