Chris in the Morning

I'm applying a Jiffy Lube, pronto!

The band may change, but the guy at the back never does…

Thank God you didn't say classic Children's literature…

Jeeezzz Dashwood!
Ah hell….  shit.

Speaking for everyone here, Shit…

He's practically retired lately…

I don't know…

She is still my thigh master…

Canadian Cathy…
So anybody want a Grill Cheese?

I'm holding out for even an intuitive badger or two…

Nothing says savings like Harry, the guy with the snake on his face!


I've got a shit list.
Todays entry:  Camel.

Cut the guy some slack!  He has had a shit life!  He grew up to be Hayden Christensen, for Christ's Sake!

Big Butts…

Clearly suicide doesn't disturb Mr. Cameron, just what those fancy boys are up to. 

Fuckin Mulroney…

A brilliant set piece of acting.

Look who thinks he's Jean Valjean.

Fuckin commie Folkies…