Chris in the Morning


Sure, Blame the Victim.

SO anti-semitic…

Clearly only 1 girl knows how to hack…

Old Maid - starring Julia Roberts…

It's a tube.

Who plays the crusty Dean Wormer?  Bill Murray?  I can just see his reading of "fat, drunk and stupid…":)

Need a cameo from Steven Paige as the folkie playin guitar on the stairs…

You Sir, are a PATRIOT!  Godbless E. Buzz.

How did he outlive them all…
he was a DANCER!

A sad, but talented junkie, not long for this world?

Nickelback is Fieri!
BNL = Alton Brown.

Ya mean cause of the Dijon Ketchup?

It was Yoko & Paul.
Just a bit of payback.

As a Canadian of advanced age, I spent my old paper $1s and $2s on beer…


Lorne Micheals, leadman in the Canadian Conspiracy.

Hey, AVC reader….
I hate spunk!

Mix often sucks on SNL.  I love Jack, but this sucked.

That 1 eye is lookin at you JP!