Chris in the Morning

lovely bit of trolling Sir O…
Unfortunately the televised debates negate everything you say.  Sorry, when the Neo-cons declaired war on the poor and democracy, some of us old lefties weakly fight back…

Shout Out to Bamako!  Hey Sidi! See ya in July on the Beach!

I got a feelin… uh uh

Turn around, Bright Eyes!

It's hard for me to HATE any music…

6 Beers for the Gypsy Kings!

Fox News is reporting that the President will do "I'm F**King Everyone!" on Kimmel.


Gingrich wants a Battlestar Gallactica reboot.  TV just makes Santorum uncomfortable…

But where does the President stand on Firefly?

I loved Unaccompanied Sonata and many of the short stories.  Totally loved Alvin Maker… for awhile.  Loved 2nd book Red Prophet, but some of the racist stuff was starting to get obvious.  I wanted the attempt at working in a First Nations view to work, but the Mormon stuff started taking over.

Oh, a litter of wolf pups is so cute!

The War on the Poor:  The Winnable War. 

She could remake Sextette in her 80s and pull it off.  This women was the only reason I every tuned in W&G.

Good Lord, do lawyers have a bleak view of the world.  Sorry to tell ya birdy, but 65 is the new 40…

Sesame Street nightmares = GOP
Richy Rich = Occupy Movement
Dougie Howser = Rick Santorum

Clearly based on a young O'Neal's discomfort with approaching sexual maturity.  Weren't we all haunted by the Miss Piggys of our baser natures?  Or Animal depending on gender and/or orientation?

If only there was a Vietnam Vet, possibly involved with education that could take those sleazy lawyers out…


Back in my day…
Kenny Loggins stood for lovable gophers screwing with Bill Murray!  So beastiality not homoeroticism.