Chris in the Morning

Why doesn't CBS try and get someone good?   Maybe Louis CK!

I think so…
Let me try…

Comedy Scene Icon:  New York


The Girl with the Silly Haircut

Well thank God!  I just don't have time to read anymore…

Thanks profdragon… Bill the Cat Lives!

LAY OFF!  He didn't start the fire!

What kind of monster doesn't like a sandwich?

Grilled Cheese!  Welsh Cheddar and Chives with turkey bacon and here is the key… on sourdough.

Vegan farts aren't as bad as meat eaters.

Now THAT'S the music biz!

At Camp Rocks-alot they taught us we should…

"Training" !!!!   WTF

Mad TV did this a few years ago…
Used casino money to buy sports teams and re-name them.  The Washington Land-rapers comes to mind.

Saw them in the 1980s at the Town Pump in Vancouver on July 4.  Drunk as skunks they were.  Ended the evening with Westerburg playing drums and a roadie singing the Hamm's Beer song.  Westerburg just banged out that native drum beat for about 20 mins while everyone else was passed out back stage.

Best Supporting Actor:  Patton Oswalt
Best Soundtrack:  Dawes
Best Screenplay from a book:  The Book of Big Butts
Best Picture: Extremely Cancer Incredibly Aids
Best Director: Brett Ratnor

Or, I can't write well.


I love that story from the early daze, when Eddie and Valerie first started dating.  Being an actress, Diamond Dave asked her did she think that Zep ripped the Immigrant Song from South Pacific… ya know..   Bali Hai!   Ah-e Ah!  Valerie didn't have a clue as to what South Pacific was…