Chris in the Morning

Oh, that's just mean.  Poor Wolfie will wind up in rehab.

I so wanted to like Crossing Jordan…

I'd forgotten that line! It must have been fun on set…
tee hee

You are correct, sir!

So that's why the scenes with Helen were so fiery…  And the chuckle in his voice and twickle in the eye.  My favorite Merlin
The man was brilliant.  
Watching him and Arkin in 7% was wonderful.  As much as I like Jeremy Brett and Cumberbatch (sp), he is also my fav Holmes.

Isn't there a little Patton Oswalt in all of us?  I got his toe!

Like LIBERAL Hollywood would let that happen…

"mythical dinosaurs".
Creationist, huh…

Sitting Bull was not a terrorist.  In fact First Nations folks have been fighting terrorism since 1492.

You were always my favorite.

She could turn me to the right…

It ain't over till the fat lady sings…
The Paula Dean Variety Show!

I blame the irish

M-shit… You are correct!

YOU ASSHOLES!  I have a friend with HANSON'S DISEASE.  His name is Stuart.  Had him over hot tubbing the other night.  Didn't go well…

That's White Gold, Baby.



O'Leary is complete bullshit.  Have you seen ads for his redemption inc.  He giving cons a second chance!  Greedy fuckwad.  On the ad it shows the cons pushing luxury cars and looking after lap dogs.  That's O'Leary's view of the world.  We are all here to look after rich folks shit.

Any cotton fields close to there?