Tiffany Case


I loved that line in the book. On the other hand, I am not at all anxious to hear Kit Harington whine a bunch and say "bastard" again. 

GAH! NO! Sorry, but the books have far, far more nuanced and human female characters. Every time the show people try for "strong woman" they make some hooker with a heart of gold or some blameless Mother Theresa giving sips of water to the wounded. If writing a "strong woman" means writing someone without faults or

Ugh. I hate hate hate hate hate that change. "I'll throw it all away and marry for love!" is completely anachronistic (or whatever the word is for something that would be utterly foreign to the mindset of the made-up medieval world people).

I look like an asshole now, because I've been telling my SO since last year how there was going to be this epic, scary-as-fuck scene with the Night's Watch.

Or you could just watch Breaking Bad.

Buckeye cable are a bunch of crooks. I can't believe we're all stuck with the damn cable provider monopolies for another sixty years because we were dumb enough to let them control internet access.

The actors playing the Stark children will all be in their thirties. It'll be awesome.

I hear you, but honestly, I don't even think even offing the governor would save Andrea's character. I mean, up until now, Andrea has been colossally stupid, preachy, selfish, domineering, and an epically bad judge of character and tactics. You could, I guess, write it so that Andrea is humbled by her mistakes with

As spoiler free as I can make this (though it doesn't matter that much, because the plots have diverged so much):

Rick should maybe take a couple of amoxicillin.

At first, I though they were ignoring the guy because it was such an obvious trap. My reasoning was that a year into the zombie apocalypse, anyone yelling at the top of their lungs and chasing down strangers would be trying to trick you into stopping so they could rob you or lure you into an ambush.

I don't think it's the dialogue that made this episode. I think it's that the guy who plays Morgan is really, really good. If you had Andrea or Dale caliber actors trying to play that same scene, it would have been painful. (Not that either one is a terrible actor, mind you. They just weren't great enough to make the

I guess this could be COMIC SPOILERS, but not really…..

In all seriousness, I thought Stephanie was sexy and extremely fuckable.

I buy it. I never wanted to be anything but a scientist from the earliest I can remember.

Oops. I missed this comment and said the same thing up thread a ways. Padma had her drugged out, enraged praying-mantis thing happening. Younger female is threat! Hissssss!!!!

There's only enough room on Top Chef for one ex-model, and by Crom, it will be Padma. Kristen was always doomed.

You just described every soap opera ever.

Shit. Someone took my name I was going to use.