Tiffany Case

Shit. Someone took my name I was going to use.

How did you think the pregnant belly happened?

How did you think the pregnant belly happened?

You have no idea how weird and invasive it is to all of the sudden have people laying hands on your stomach. Complete strangers, even. Co-workers you've never hugged and never would hug. Old ladies at the grocery store. All of the sudden they are feeling you up like it's the coat room at your senior prom.

You have no idea how weird and invasive it is to all of the sudden have people laying hands on your stomach. Complete strangers, even. Co-workers you've never hugged and never would hug. Old ladies at the grocery store. All of the sudden they are feeling you up like it's the coat room at your senior prom.

I think I really like Chris Pratt now.

I think I really like Chris Pratt now.

In order of priority:

In order of priority:

"Maybe she was pissed at him for taking "her" Andrea away?"

"Maybe she was pissed at him for taking "her" Andrea away?"

In the comics, Carl is probably the most interesting idea the author had. The books are mostly about how damaged these people are by the things they have to do to survive in this new world. So comics Carl is a child who grew up in the zombie apocalypse and has adapted beautifully to his surroundings. He hasn't been

In the comics, Carl is probably the most interesting idea the author had. The books are mostly about how damaged these people are by the things they have to do to survive in this new world. So comics Carl is a child who grew up in the zombie apocalypse and has adapted beautifully to his surroundings. He hasn't been

Michonne feels shocked and betrayed because after eight months together, she has finally realized that TV Andrea is a fickle, oblivious, self-absorbed dipshit with staggeringly poor judgement?

Oh, you guys are living humans in the zombie apocalypse? My friend Andrea is that! I mean, well, I wouldn't exactly call her my friend…

What about something like: Darryl, pretend you escaped; rejoin your group; and let us in the prison gates a week from Saturday, or your brother dies slow?

What about something like: Darryl, pretend you escaped; rejoin your group; and let us in the prison gates a week from Saturday, or your brother dies slow?

I don't get the love for CJ. Can't people tell the difference between a nice guy and a "nice guy"? Because CJ is definitely the latter.

I don't get the love for CJ. Can't people tell the difference between a nice guy and a "nice guy"? Because CJ is definitely the latter.

Thank God it's not just me. I've watched every shitty episode of this shitty, shitty show, yet I have zero recollection of little-what's-his-face being kidnapped.