Tiffany Case

Thank God it's not just me. I've watched every shitty episode of this shitty, shitty show, yet I have zero recollection of little-what's-his-face being kidnapped.

"The problem is, with this show, I don't know when I'm supposed to assume
stupidity on the part of the characters as opposed to the writers."

"The problem is, with this show, I don't know when I'm supposed to assume
stupidity on the part of the characters as opposed to the writers."

Exactly. This is Dexter, here, folks. Even if this season's not "tableaux" bad, it's still Dexter, and Dexter has two kinds of scenes: 1) Scenes meant to advance a plot or subplot, and 2) Scenes about the season or episode's "theme."

Exactly. This is Dexter, here, folks. Even if this season's not "tableaux" bad, it's still Dexter, and Dexter has two kinds of scenes: 1) Scenes meant to advance a plot or subplot, and 2) Scenes about the season or episode's "theme."

Zombies don't get bored! That's why you never want to get trapped by zombies. They are not going to get hungry, or tired, or bored, or thirsty. They are just going to stick around going "raahhh" until you starve or come out.

Zombies don't get bored! That's why you never want to get trapped by zombies. They are not going to get hungry, or tired, or bored, or thirsty. They are just going to stick around going "raahhh" until you starve or come out.

Yeah - field c-sections are not a thing. I mean, they could maybe get the baby out, but there's no way they could keep Lori alive or stitch her up properly afterwards.

Yeah - field c-sections are not a thing. I mean, they could maybe get the baby out, but there's no way they could keep Lori alive or stitch her up properly afterwards.

@avclub-5a7afa22e23fd0a97a9ace0c1d5f8928:disqus Excellent points. I guess the problem I have is that some of the actors aren't that great and the writing is sort-of-not-exactly-excellent, so I can't tell that the characters are panicked, or frozen, or exhausted, or acting on bad information. They look and act the same

@avclub-5a7afa22e23fd0a97a9ace0c1d5f8928:disqus Excellent points. I guess the problem I have is that some of the actors aren't that great and the writing is sort-of-not-exactly-excellent, so I can't tell that the characters are panicked, or frozen, or exhausted, or acting on bad information. They look and act the same

Ahem. I present, "Deb's Character Arc":

Ahem. I present, "Deb's Character Arc":

I shot a handgun a couple of times while pregnant. My aim was no more or less mediocre than it normally is.

I shot a handgun a couple of times while pregnant. My aim was no more or less mediocre than it normally is.

Spolier-esque Comparison Between Comics Michonne and TV Michonne:

Spolier-esque Comparison Between Comics Michonne and TV Michonne:

Being pregnant doesn't really mess with your ability to shoot a gun. I actually know this.

Being pregnant doesn't really mess with your ability to shoot a gun. I actually know this.

It didn't suck.