Tiffany Case

Ummm…. The Lord of the Rings is a translation from the original, you know.

I thought that guy was throwing up into the scuttlebutt, and it took me right out of the show. It seemed like such a monumental dick move.

I thought that guy was throwing up into the scuttlebutt, and it took me right out of the show. It seemed like such a monumental dick move.

I love you.

I love you.

Speaking of gods, what the heck is Karstark doing going on about the Father? He's a Northerner and almost a Stark. THE OLD GODS!!!!!!

Speaking of gods, what the heck is Karstark doing going on about the Father? He's a Northerner and almost a Stark. THE OLD GODS!!!!!!

I think Jojen's prophecy is a big reason this misdirect played so well in the books. COK takes some time showing Jojen to be infallible, then has him predict Bran and Rickon's deaths just as they appear to happen in the Theon POV chapters.

I think Jojen's prophecy is a big reason this misdirect played so well in the books. COK takes some time showing Jojen to be infallible, then has him predict Bran and Rickon's deaths just as they appear to happen in the Theon POV chapters.

Unfortunately, I do not for a second buy the show version of Jeyne as a virgin. This lady is running around medieval battlefields, amputating limbs, without a servant, chaperone, or bodyguard to be seen. Her mum and dad are back in Volantis. She's confident, older, and well-travelled.

Unfortunately, I do not for a second buy the show version of Jeyne as a virgin. This lady is running around medieval battlefields, amputating limbs, without a servant, chaperone, or bodyguard to be seen. Her mum and dad are back in Volantis. She's confident, older, and well-travelled.

Well, they reminded us just last week that Doreah was dragon-obsessed. That plus Dany's whole, "We can't find Doreah! The only logical conclusion is that she too is dead!" - Yeah, seems like Doreah was in on it, and now we'll be getting a written-for-TV Dany rant about betrayal. Still love the show, but this is some

Agreed. He talks like a stage actor. Every time that character is on screen, it pulls me right out of the show. It's the only performance I've hated so far.

Raise your hand if you were just waiting for Graham Chapman to fall from the wall and land on that street preacher's head.

It's been a week now, and I'm still laughing about this comment. Bravo, sir.

Watched this with a newbie. The shadow baby failed to horrify. He thought it was a swarm of vagina ants.

That was lovely.

I know it doesn't make sense, since she is Theon's younger sister, but the Asha in my head was thirty-something (also weather-beaten, dark-haired, hook-nosed, and very scathing and witty). Yara, I could probably get used to, but I'm having trouble seeing the woman they cast being convincing as a leader of men. She

True, about Lysa and Cersei, and probably true about medieval Europe too - but show Margaery seems to really know her way around the bedroom. That level of experience seems a bit different than a furtive fuck or two in the scullery with a brother or a brother surrogate. Plus, show Margaery is considerably older than
