Tiffany Case

No shit. Theon is only sympathetic if you can get past that whole: murdered two small children in front of their mother and then killed her too.

That's her real accent. I'm a fan of her other films.

SPOILERS FOR ALL OF THE SPOILED SPOILERS: So, was I completely clueless, reading book 4? I always thought that Margaery Tyrell's virginity was an open question. I mean, Cersei gets Margaery accused of having orgies with her ladies in waiting and most of the servants, but Cersei's POV chapters also show her planting

Spoilers, you #$^$$!@!

Maybe it's not dead yet?

First couple of episodes were exactly the plot of the first volume of the comics. First volume of the comics came out at the same time as 28 Days Later. Both independently came up with the "guy wakes up from coma in zombie apocalypse" idea. So unoriginal, but not derivative.

I think it involves being calm and assertive.

I just imagine Lori to be the world's most awful high school girl. Dating the captain of the football team and then screwing around on the side with his best friend and trying to get them to fight over her. Reinforcing gender norms and singling out any girls who don't get in line for ridicule and nastiness. Dumb as

Well - no arms, no jaws, no teeth - so they couldn't do much damage. But you would think it would still be creepy and goddamn annoying to have the damn things moaning and nuzzling at you all day and night.


Not to defend that scene, which was awful, but I think the moment when Lori gets disgusted and freaks out is not when she finds out that Rick killed Shane. It's when Rick says that their kid was the one to kill zombie-Shane.


How does a zombie kill a cow? I kept wondering that last week. I mean, you could give me a month and all the motivation in the world, and I still couldn't disembowel a cow with just my teeth and hands. Zombies are just dead humans, right? They don't have super-strength and they have some real structural integrity

Fair warning my foot. Beverly cried in public, and it was weird and alienated the other contestants.  A bully like Heather moves in as soon as she sees someone as weak and isolated from the herd.

Yup.  People want to give Shane credit for "realizing what has to be done," but they are missing out on two big reasons that he is the most likely person (apart from Carol) to get the entire group killed if made leader:

Vague spoilers for the last season of Angel:  If Buffy was about growing into adulthood, Angel - especially in the last season - seemed to be about the way that adulthood and its responsibilities leave you compromising and compromised in a thousand different ways.  It's a lot darker of a show, but it bookends pretty

Is Chris the douchy, spikey blond haired guy?  Because find him extremely shifty.  When Keith announced that he was getting cooked shrimp, you could see him mentally doing a little pee-pants dance of glee.  He was thrilled that the guy screwed up, and the moment they got back from the store, he ran to the two

PJohn is right, I think.  Remember how the CDC guy does a blood test on everyone and later says that the tests showed "nothing I didn't expect," or another such dodge? I'm guessing everyone has latent zombie infection just from breathing the air (or possibly from zombie splatter, which they sure do seem blasé about).

That's how I used to feel about church!

Seemed wicked obvious to me that La Guerta was using some good ole' reverse psychology. In two or three episodes, tops, her heavy handed "don't pay attention to this case" looming and pressuring will lead to Deb finding out about her dad's old cop buddy Captain Matthews and the dead call girl.  Before the end of the