Also - and I know I've got little chance here - stop making GRRM fans look like such fucking idiots. The rest of us have to run cleanup for cretins like you two.
Also - and I know I've got little chance here - stop making GRRM fans look like such fucking idiots. The rest of us have to run cleanup for cretins like you two.
I just re-read all four books, and GRRM really does have a milk fetish. I didn't notice it first time around, but it is there, man. It is there. As for "range of sexuality." I double-dog-dare you to find a single description of a nice ass in 3000 pages of writing. The man is strictly about tits.
I could tolerate Sam (barely) right up to where he acted out Martin's lactation fetish with the seasick, underage, father-fucking wildling, while being watched over by the noble, sex-positive black people.
What can go?
We had a thread on what we want to see from the other three books. How 'bout a thread on what we want to see cut? I'll start (obviously, spoilers):
R'hllor is absolutely X-TREME Zoroastrianism.
Really? 'Cuz I'm breastfeeding right now, and cool with it, but that scene has me thinking that I need to quit the La Leche League.
Arya's line bugged me too, so I went back and looked up that scene in the books. In the books, it plays out exactly the same, but the line is "No, that's Sansa." The Arya in the books is a lot younger too. I'm glad they made her older (GRRM has only the shakiest grasp of child development), but the "No, that's…
Dick Taters
How come Duvalier got the doom-y music and the montage of horrors, while Trujillo only got a brief mention as, you-know, kind of a racist? Between Bebe Doc and El Jefe, there's not really that much to choose. If anything, Trujilo was worse, because he was around longer.
Goddamn Anthony Bourdain just spoilered season six of The Wire for me.
I always took Buffy's amnesiac choice of name as the exact opposite of the silly, fluffy name her mother gave her. Left to herself, she picks something sensible, practical, and traditional sounding. Deep down, Buffy has never been a Buffy. She's a serious and relatively unimaginative person, really. The Sunnydale…
Where are the fat zombies?
Okay, last time I checked, 1/3 of the US population was overweight, and another 1/3 was obese. Plus, I've been to Atlanta. Not a skinny city.
Go back to the second episode. The cab is connected to the rest of the van. No way to keep the zombies in the back.