
The film was '"The Courier" with Gabriel Byrne. Dog of a film but that song was one of the best pieces either of them has done. I'd heard of her before when the band she was in, won a competion on Radio Nova- the Tontons Macoutes; from Churchtown, I think. She also worked with In Tua Nua before heading off to London

Yeah, it's just so..light and fresh and  I love the fade-out at the end…

I would prefer the Pogue's version as it is more the original pace than the slowed down Clancy version. It is a drinking song, really.

Why not both? I remember for my Mum's funeral service, both my brother and I were too hungover to give an oration or panegyric during the service, as a result of the post-removal do back in our house.

I was thinking of 'And The Band Played Waltzing Matilda' from Rum, Sodomy etc. But it really is sad and a choker. Maybe the last one from 'If I Should Fall From Grace With God' - " and the worms go in , and the worms go out. Be merry, my friends, be merry!"  Brecht, I think. Apposite but brutal.
Probably the best would

Well, if it was the Taylors Square end, he was probably just waking up from the gay club as described in Will Harris' anecdote above

" Oh Daaad! You bought and EDSEL!"
Sniff ,,,, " Have you been drinking, young lady?"

As opposed to the BREADTH of Americans?

As opposed to the BREADTH of Americans?

" Baader_Meinhoff Wagens' as they called them in Munich in the 70's  from the terrorists' penchant for a comfortable drive in their stolen getaway cars.