
I've been out so missed all this - hooray! Especially after how gutted they all were after it happened. Any word on the injured runner?

I've been out so missed all this - hooray! Especially after how gutted they all were after it happened. Any word on the injured runner?

anyone see the first 4x400m heat? poor south africa and kenya, absolutely brutal!

anyone see the first 4x400m heat? poor south africa and kenya, absolutely brutal!

You still have Kieran Behan, the gymnast that was told he might never walk again but made it to compete in the Olympics. He's the best!

You still have Kieran Behan, the gymnast that was told he might never walk again but made it to compete in the Olympics. He's the best!

Rebel Wilson is an Aussie, just so you know. She may have been in British something or other, but I'm not the biggest fan, so I wouldn't know

Rebel Wilson is an Aussie, just so you know. She may have been in British something or other, but I'm not the biggest fan, so I wouldn't know

The media's pretty horrible, James Magnussen got a whole lot of crap (for managing a silver medal! though he was being pretty arrogant). It's died down a bit since Mitchell Watt (long jumper) came out and said something about how ridiculous they've been. If I hear 'disappointing result' once more after someone's won

The media's pretty horrible, James Magnussen got a whole lot of crap (for managing a silver medal! though he was being pretty arrogant). It's died down a bit since Mitchell Watt (long jumper) came out and said something about how ridiculous they've been. If I hear 'disappointing result' once more after someone's won

1. and South Africa, and Ireland kind of too, but I won't go there

1. and South Africa, and Ireland kind of too, but I won't go there

Oh gosh that was scary looking, and the Latvian (?) that just faceplanted - BMX is brutal!
On another note, loving Phil Liggett commentating the BMX. Having him on my TV pretty much every night since Tour de France has been so lovely

Oh gosh that was scary looking, and the Latvian (?) that just faceplanted - BMX is brutal!
On another note, loving Phil Liggett commentating the BMX. Having him on my TV pretty much every night since Tour de France has been so lovely

I think he was yesterday, but I am in love with the French guy that won bronze in the parallel bars
I miss the swimming, there are not enough shirtless male sports in the Olympics

I think he was yesterday, but I am in love with the French guy that won bronze in the parallel bars
I miss the swimming, there are not enough shirtless male sports in the Olympics

Because I slept through the cycling and missed this post - WOOOOOO ANNA MEARES!
Way to stay in the sprint lane, Pendleton

Because I slept through the cycling and missed this post - WOOOOOO ANNA MEARES!
Way to stay in the sprint lane, Pendleton

Apparently they had a plan to cross the line together if they had been there at the end, but the officials had said, no matter what, they would separate them by 1/1000th of a second if necessary, even if it was a total dead heat (which I reckon is a little bit mean)

Apparently they had a plan to cross the line together if they had been there at the end, but the officials had said, no matter what, they would separate them by 1/1000th of a second if necessary, even if it was a total dead heat (which I reckon is a little bit mean)