
As far as international protagonist stories go, I assume NBC also missed the final meeting in the fantastic cycling rivalry between Anna Meares and Victoria Pendleton (yay Anna!). Anna Meares pretty much has the made for TV special story down - won gold in 2000(or '04 maybe), broke her neck in a cycling accident in

As far as international protagonist stories go, I assume NBC also missed the final meeting in the fantastic cycling rivalry between Anna Meares and Victoria Pendleton (yay Anna!). Anna Meares pretty much has the made for TV special story down - won gold in 2000(or '04 maybe), broke her neck in a cycling accident in

I't's nice to know another country is dealing with weirdly focused Olympic coverage.
Today (well, yesterday) in crappy Australian coverage:Swimming > equestrian > swimming > James Magnussen interview + swimming repeats > equestrian > more equestrianIncluded the amazing feat of cutting of the basketball with 8 seconds

I't's nice to know another country is dealing with weirdly focused Olympic coverage.
Today (well, yesterday) in crappy Australian coverage:Swimming > equestrian > swimming > James Magnussen interview + swimming repeats > equestrian > more equestrianIncluded the amazing feat of cutting of the basketball with 8 seconds

On the gymnastics thingo, if the officials' reasoning is correct I say fair enough - apparently they had given the dismount the wrong difficulty allocation, rather than an arbitrary reallocation of points. When I heard that side of the story, it made the reason for the protest and the decision much clearer.

On the gymnastics thingo, if the officials' reasoning is correct I say fair enough - apparently they had given the dismount the wrong difficulty allocation, rather than an arbitrary reallocation of points. When I heard that side of the story, it made the reason for the protest and the decision much clearer.

I miss Roy and HG too! Damn you Channel 9
Though the basketball last night was fantastic - half court shot with less than a second on the clock - glad they chose to stick with the game and not cut to random other sports (i.e. freaking equestrian again!) for once

I miss Roy and HG too! Damn you Channel 9
Though the basketball last night was fantastic - half court shot with less than a second on the clock - glad they chose to stick with the game and not cut to random other sports (i.e. freaking equestrian again!) for once

nah, it is gyro

nah, it is gyro

Is it just me, or does the guy to her left look suuuuper old (for high school anyway)? Maybe the other half of his face looks younger?

six seasons and a six inch sub?

The fact he had blood all over his face the whole time had me cracking up, he looked like a confused crazy man.
Also, Ian Somerhalder was fantastic this episode ("Dear Diary, Today I met a squirrel…") but Damon's 1912 hair - why, just why?

Well, colour me lavender! So glad this is back - in a week where I discovered that 3+ jobs, plus study, plus a social life quickly leads to mental destruction, I really needed new a Community episode.
And there's too much information about my life, so in summary:

That's how I discovered one of my friends was a community fan. We were organising something and she "cool. cool cool cool"-ed me. Such a happy moment…

used the 30,000th comment as my cue to finally register here, after a looong time lurking
unfortunatley, being non-US, my viewing makes no difference (they even gave up on community here after 1.5 seasons of showing it at 5pm) but I'll continue forcing everyone I know to buy the dvds/buy me stuff from the NBC store.