
The highpoint of the GoT discussion threads (till i stopped watching it) was watching you smack down everyone when you pointed out exactly how bad Sansa's arc was, as well as how well you predicted it (and basically all the replies were skeptical).

Seriously? Just sits there, not using any weights? That seems so bizarre. Why pay for a gym membership… I can't parse it.

Good on her. But an anecdote doesn't dismiss what I'm saying, nor is it an argument against it.

I'm not saying you are incorrect in your observation (eye of the beholder etc etc) but I would argue she was no worse than any standard rom-com MPDG that puts a schlub with his "soulmate" that's been released in the last 10 years, with few exceptions.

I'll be blunt - I'm not talking about prudishness, I'm talking about the fact that two young women who are in love spend more time facing away from each other in a sex scene (almost fully on display whilst doing so). It was far more an idealized male version of what lesbian sex is like then what actual lesbian sex is

Eh, there seemed to be some backlash amongst queer females (and the author of the original comic) against Blue is the Warmest Colour, particularly the very…err "male gazey" sex scenes. It was a great movie, but I don't know about it being the "biggest LGBT snub" in history. Though in your defense I can't think of

Yeah, the snark of the newswire would have been better focused on the cancellation or the meandering hiatus, not on the show itself. It's done nothing wrong, really.

J.J barely has/had anything to do with PoI apart from basically putting his name on it. It's Plageman/Nolan who are the people running it.

First half of S4 was very good, it's just that they tried to go case-of-the week after Shaw left, and it just didn't feel right. Not necessarily bad, but just lost any momentum it had built up, I think.

“When was the last time you heard someone get really excited about Person Of Interest?”,

No offense, but that Savages song is the futherest thing from "Sonic Assault" I can think of. It's low-fi indie. I played that clip expecting to be blown away from the description, and it's got the sonic ferocity of a fart.

I've just been listening to The Golden Void on repeat. Honestly think Warrior on the Edge of Time is their best album.

Why are Tinky-Winky, Dipsy, Laa Laa and Po falling from a cliff?

Well recommend me some of these generic video games then, that's all I can say.

Lito I can understand, but Riley? No way my good man, Ride or Die with (the) Sun.

Wait, UnReal has a pairing of "Quinn and Rachel"? Do the Faberry shippers know about this?

Not really. I feel sometimes A.A Dowd is too easy on large blockbusters. But other then that, his scaling is good. A grades are reserved for truly great, masterpiece movies, not just "decent time was had" that some sites/reviews tend to dole out.

Troll troll troll your boat, gently down the stream….

Tv by the numbers is averaging it out with it's premiere and 2nd episode ratings. The Lies, damn Lies and statistics scenario. It's pretty clear now that at the moment the show is around 1.5-1.6 tops.

Well, thanks for the late comment