
It was obvious they were gonna write off that worm. Two Phil Millers, sure, totally believable. But three in one show?! Come on!

Is prison really effective if Zaheer can just meditate and go hang out in the spirit world whenever he wants?

Of course Bill has to have Super HepV because he can't just do anything like a normal vampire.

I think she is still a traitor to Team Avatar! Those shifty eyes after they caught Aiwei, dead give away.

Rest in shit Russian Walrus, that was for the Ukraine!

RIP Evil Wayne Brady Vampire we hardly knew ye


How many rubles are we betting that Paige's bus friend is actually a SOVIET COMMUNIST SPY?!

Stuart must get back to his comic book store, where he dispenses self-deprecating insults rather than receive them.

Time to start the Manny + Lily shipping. Team Manly 4 life!

In Judd Apatow's defense, if I could continually cast Paul Rudd as my handsomer screen surrogate I totes mcgotes would.

No love for Peele's blouse? It had just one more day till retirement…

Making the mother psychic was a good twist that I did not see coming.

I was kind of hoping for cameos from his Labyrinth puppet buddies…


Poor Jorah, can't even get any in porn. Won't someone please throw him a bone?!

"As they round the far turn, it's She's The Fastest, followed by Always Comes in Second and I'm Number Three."