
I actually think that this episode
deserves serious credit for ending the pointless Troy- Britta relationship (not
an inevitability!) while keeping the study group dynamic realistic and intact.

It's not a lack of ideas, per se. Indeed, it is (sometimes painfully) obvious that the show is trying to keep our affection and attention by (over)stuffing the episodes with "ideas": complicated premises, inside references, grand experiments, etc.

Yeah, the Community fanbase feels much less like a community these days.

I think this is right on; this episode, by focusing on the sort of college themes that drove Season 1, revealed very clearly that the tension - of acceptance and redemption - that drove the original premise is all but resolved.

Nobody asked for this, but I'll give it out anyway (you're welcome):
Jokes: B+ (87%): This season, the jokes get better with each
episode. The gags this episode were pretty good and well within the norm of the
series in terms of quality: the fake brands, the desperate ploys of the Dean,  basically everything related to