They're also terrible at crime, what with the whole doing business with the garage door open and shit.
They're also terrible at crime, what with the whole doing business with the garage door open and shit.
It was friggin hilarious that Orton started cutting a promo on Bray before even finishing his half-assed one to Jinder. Jinder should've just kept standing in the ring for the rest of the show while everyone ignores him.
A standard Paul Bearer, even! Oh, yes!!!!
So they're not even gonna acknowledge that KO is owed a Universal title rematch? And people are supposed to believe Bray has a chance to beat Orton at Payback and leave SDL with no world title? And that really was the best way to bring back Tamina?
It was also ironic/funny that Jimmy shoos her away right as she said that.
Plus the other crew scattered to the wind so fucking fast.
Nobody is as quick-witted or comes up with better one-liners either. I just re-watched the Kurt Angle milk segment and he was shouting about homogenized milk and how Stephanie went from the Princess to the Dairy Queen. Love him.
Totally agree. While I guess the results make sense story-wise with the potential call-ups, it was still disappointing they decided to to keep with the status quo. No triumphant Wrestlemania moments a la American Alpha last year—and a Dililnger win would have been the perfect spot for one.
Freddy the Slayer Slayer
They're saving the surprise entrants for women's match for the likes of (sighs) Eva Marie and Kelly Kelly. I hope they at least throw in someone legit like Molly Holly or Victoria.
Love that they maintained the whole food motif in the diner when Aderholt ate that Russian guy's scraps.
"We are awesome" *clap, clap, clap-clap-clap*
Funny that you mentioned "alternative facts" since Bryan got in a Trump burn. Between this and Corey Graves, WWE talking heads are going rogue!
"We understand."
That silent sequence turned from suspense to comedy once Cary entered. It looked like he was yelling "MOTHER FUCK" right when he realized the absence of sound. Plus Miss Bird trying to pull out Kerry was hilarious too.
Bayley's lack of athleticism was sorely apparent in the two botches at the turnbuckle near the end of the match.
Presenting the Oscars from…THE APOLLO THEATRE!!!
Trump basically has the same vocabulary as Vincent Adultman from Bojack Horseman.
"Nobody loves Putin's dick more than me!"