zombie utopia

The writers played against expectations well with both Gretchen and Jimmy's parents. I would've thought Gretchen to have Jimmy's parents given her slovenly living habits and general laissez faire attitude to life, but she came from a country club life where she had to drink her milk. Then I'd think Jimmy would have

Ladies and gentleman, whatever dignity remained in the AV Club's writing is literally flying out the window!

"And I killed another fella! Maybe two!"

Episode reviews for the rest of the season:

That Checkers/Connect Four into the dance-off sequence was some masterful work by two improv geniuses. Plus the way the other prisoners were reacting like this was a freestyle battle. Hardest I've laughed all season, which is something.

I love that Jimmy's still trying to power through Knausgaard. He hasn't made it that far since the season premiere. It's like some sort of…Bah, the word'll come to me.

I'm guessing the meaning's implicit and that other people here have figured it out, but I just realized that the peace sign in the microverse really means giving the finger. And I just giggled a wee bit thinking about Zeep's glee in that scene.

Tangential question: Is Miley ALWAYS that fucking annoying? Was that like some kind of performance art she's putting on or is that how she naturally is? Because from what I've seen of her before, I knew laid on the ham, but last night felt like a goddamn pig holocaust.

That's even funnier knowing Starburns was a writer during 90's Conan.

Ugly babies need the most ketchup!

I knew Stannis was stripped of manpower… But godamn, 1,300?? On foot?? I guess when you immolate your only daughter/heir, you commit hard no matter the fucked up odds.


Such a despicable movie just for that scene where Kathy Bates convinces Michael to go to Ole Miss cause there's a ghost on Tennessee's football field or some shit. Go fuck yourself, Blind Side.

Coming up next, an encore presentation of Ramsay and Theon's torture scenes from Season 3— NO! WE HAD A DEAL!

Big E slapping the "New Day Rocks" chant Titus' abs was a definite spit take. Big E's so awesome, his facial expressions are aces.

*Sassy lunch lady makes annoyed sound. Is never seen again*

Agreed. But unfortunately, all but one were treated terribly near the end by NBC with shortened seasons/episode burnoffs/straight-up cancellation.

The second I saw his cheeks flutter, I got misty. As much as I love Abed being meta (even with diminishing returns in later seasons), this realization that the world existed beyond a rectangular screen was so satisfactory.

And its drummer's name is *gasp* Brann!

*football doinks on helmet, player keeps running*