zombie utopia

I have a feeling Elizabeth knows Hans is gonna take care of it and she may very well have planned it with him ahead of time. There had to be a reason she was the only one who saw him sneak into the black site while the van blocked everyone else's view. I bet this is part of her long game of appeasing Philip.

Holy shit, the previews for next week include Raylan threatening someone while holding an ice cream cone! I'm nowconvinced the finale is Raylan riding off into the sunset pedaling one of those ice cream carts with an umbrella cover.

Was it realistic for Jimmy to think he could actually afford that office? Even if he had the full "retainer" from the Kettlemans (which he definitely didn't) and enjoyed a pick-up in business from elder law, there's no way he would've been able to keep rent up for a place like that let alone pay a full staff. I felt

That was some pure, uncut Kenneth.

The way she had one hand low on the steering wheel was so awesome. And those expressions. God, I love Ellie Kemper.

I'm seriously confused by 1) Why the hell was Mike stalking Stacey in the previous episode? It was implied when Mike first moved to ABQ that they were on the outs after Mike wouldn't budge on revealing any details on Matty's death. But it's a huge leap to go from that to Mike's icy stare and Stacey's nervous look like

With all the balls in the air it's so easy on this show to lose track of plot points. So can someone explain to me what the hell Boyd's plan was with the mines?

God, Bryan's placement in that card makes me so sad. The main event desperately needed DB's inclusion.

Hey, when you make the big time, it looks like everyone's jackin' it.

And boy howdy, does he have a hankerin' for brains!

Damn No Doze, he can't ever stop helping.

I bet Philip and Elizabeth's employees at the travel agency are always pissed that the copier's occupied. "Goddammit, 50 copies of blank paper AGAIN?"

What got me was Ron in his office looking up to see all his friends gone, replaced by the real workplace acquaintances. Damn it was jarring to see the Parks office occupied by all those new faces and I felt so sad for Ron there being swept away in a tidal wave of change.

I thought it was a bit telegraphed: Dewey ruminating on the good ol' days, Boyd telling Carl to get a drink for Dewey (shit, him doing anything remotely nice for Dewey), Boyd speechifying on the end times of Harlan.

William Henry Harrison AND Calvin Coolidge mentioned in the same episode?! So, so much milquetoast.

The story of this list is that this reporter does not see his name on the list.
-Perd Hapley

Sonic Youth - "Dirty Boots"

Like a lot of people, I've come to hate the catch-phrase-ification plague defined by Sportscenter anchors, but that highlight was poetic. Damn, I miss Rich Eisen on ESPN.

Plus his ass was numb from the cold when Rodgers shoved it in retaliation.

I loved Stephen's acts of physical comedy that made him look wildly idiotic. I just re-watched the one where re-enacted of Sarah Palin's defiantly dumb account of Paul Revere's ride on a coin-operated horse. Plus his delivery of that fake Eisenhower line was utterly transcendent. Here it is: http://thecolbertreport.cc…