zombie utopia

"Freeze, shitbird!" [click]

That smirk he had in the car sitting next to the club owner was the funniest fuckin thing.

"Accident? Words exchanged? Differences?"

I don't know if I'm remembering wrong, but didn't Jane speak Hungarian (or maybe it was Slovenian—or just some Eastern European language) in an earlier episode. Nevertheless, that is so Jane.

I'll add another Coen Bros. movie allusion (also involving Gus): The overhead shot of Gus agonizing over whether to do nothing and and then saying, "Nope" very similar to the overhead shot in "No Country For Old Men" of Llewellyn agonizing over whether to go back out and bring water to that bullet-ridden Mexican.

Was it jarring for anyone else to see a teenager communicate with another teenager via a non-texting device? I found it and the character very endearing.

"You're such a big deal!" *gets mounted by Pete*

Coen Films Hat Tips Thread

So seeing as the mold for one of the swords was much smaller than the one given to Jaime, is it safe to assume the smaller sword is for Tyrion? And does that make it (kinda spoilery — from a newb, no less) Chekhov's Sword?


Was he a guitarist? A booger enthusiast? Alas, we shall never know…

Yeah, Danny's self-impaling is a way more memorable death than Raylan just shooting his ass. But still, that duel left me with blue balls. Duel balls, if you will.

What do you mean "What was it about"? He lost it!…

I'm surprised Todd finds that scene cheap since it matches the duality of that pitch so well. He said it himself: Don sells himself on that idea of him being a good family man and now he's enacting that utterly false idea in his head. That daydream is what he wants to see in the photos of the Carousel. The reality is

Yeah, this wasn't a good use of their cameos. They've would've fit like a glove in Advanced Dungeons and Dragons II.

Not to English class, apparently.

So does the country with the most gold medals win a gold medal?

Plus one of his sidekicks is Even More Mullety Bill Hicks.

We're sure learning about Carl's very specific sexual proclivities. Hope he remembers the safe word next time he's tied up and getting punched in the face by a fat hooker.

Buzz don't know Kafkaesque bureaucracy until he becomes a cog in the wheel of a New Mexico-based chicken-fronted meth empire.