2 clew newby

I thought also that the DOOM FORCE one shot was stone insanity.


Morrison's doom patrol arc, purchased monthly, was one of the main things that got me interested in comics (although right now I am finding everything other than the Hellboy mythos a bit blah), but they were great one month at a time. The last a quarter, maybe, of the run got a bit samey.

Speaking of unique takes on Batman, towards the end of Morrison's JLA run (which was GREAT), was the bit where in an alternate time loop *(that never happened), Bruce Wayne totally killed Darkseid, emperor or the Earth, after having spent 20 years in some apalling prison.

Not strictly comix, but Neal Stephenson is being photogrtaphed as bald AND bearded.

Shriekback's Oil and Gold is about the best dance album hardly anybody has ever heard of.

Devo, The Pixies and Spiderbait. Noise that will bring a smile to the face.

Tank park salute never fails to b4ring a tear to the eye - especially after becoming a parent.

Bing Crosby and the Andrews Sisters.

having recently started to pick them up, I find "I am not afraidf of you and I will beat your ass" a standout, but is it _comfort_ food?

Yes. The English Settlement double album particularly.

To make the merry-go-round go faster
just to keep from being thrown to the wolves

@EvelKareebel -

How about Neil Patrick Harris? He could just about do Robin and not be totally annoying.

The suggestion above for Jim Carrey as the riddler is not utterly facetious.

On reflection (and hoping not to reprise the earlier "space [ethnic group]" chain above) -

@Chico - Yes, the Romulans seem to have the best gender balance by far.

Re: rethinking origins -

FidelAstro: thanks.

To quote from The Magicians, sounds like a mystery, wrapped in an enigma, and stapled to a ticking time bomb.